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It provides a broad view of contemporary art and history in the 21st century that crosses genres such as installation art, convergence art that combines technology and art, digital/media art, painting, drawing, and sculpture.


Jeho Yun <동굴 속 향연:The Fiesta in the cave>
- DATE: 2021. Nov 25th(Thur) to Dec 19th(Sun) *No opening reception
- OPENING HOURS: *Monday closed. *10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (last entry: 30min before closing)
- Location: Bucheon Art Bunker B39, 2F Electric Cabinet
- Admission fee: Free


Jeho Yun <동굴 속 향연:The Fiesta in the cave>
Artist Jeho Yun is an electronic music composer and a new media artist who creates works that cross boundaries such as visual art, performing art, and music. Yun transfers the virtual world he imagines into reality by using sounds designed by computers and light created by optical devices. Through the exhibition, he hopes that the audiences will experience a haptic sense (sense of touch and motion) of light and sounds at the same time and enjoy the works while walking around in his work as much as they want.

People's tastes and needs may become more important factors in this diversified society, and these may grow even more as many parts are restricted by COVID-19. Particularly, in the field of culture and arts, the emotional needs of modern people pay more attention to ‘sensory experiences’ like interactive activities and experiences than visual and perceptual information of the past.
When it comes to ‘Sense’ from the perspective of ancient philosophy, the sense of sight drew attention because it was closely related to truth, faith, and knowledge. On the other hand, other senses were considered unverifiable or related to subjective emotions. However, in French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s book Mille Plateaux 
, they said, "The space to capture 
closely is not a visual thing, and the eye itself has a haptic function, not an optical one." In other words, tactile senses are defined as exerting transcendental abilities by transferring them to other senses within the proximity of touching with the eyes.
In this exhibition, artist Jeho Yun will draw inspiration and creativity from his inner art resources and unveil his works completed that contain haptic aesthetics through various media and technical experiments. He hopes that the audience will feel various sensory perceptions through his work and take a rest as if exploring a cave while looking around his works.